Monday, September 05, 2005


I can't do this. I changed my mind. It's too far, he will be scared, I don't care how nice they are, he's just a baby, he can stay home for another year.

I fought for Jude to get into this school. It is nationally known, built for kids like him. It is far, though, all the way to the forest preserves at the edge of the city. On the edge of the world.

Jude's last school was so small he knew the cook by name, sixteen kids all together. Such a gentle place. They never asked anything of Jude except to let them love him. Which was hard enough.

This new place is Jude's best chance at independence. So I will send him, crying if need be. I will stand on the sidewalk waving at the bus, watching it disappear, on its way to the end of the earth, without me.

Come on, you can do this. One big push, I know it hurts but you can do it. Close your eyes. Deep breath. Push.