Friday, July 21, 2006

Jude Meets World

We went to the pool yesterday. The YMCA, in fact. They have a swim night for families with disabled kids, which includes us, and so we went. The whole way there we listened to Jude yelling wanna go to the pool? Can we go to the pool? Can we swim with dolphins?

When we said there were no dolphins he screamed. Okay, fine, dolphins. We get there and it is so, so fun. All three boys are having a blast and we know like half the families in the pool from Jude's school, and we are having family time, all together. Priceless.

Then it is time to go home. Jude has to be drug out of the pool screaming. Screaming, Screaming, Screaming. All through getting dressed, all the way home. Goes to bed screaming. Fun time is over. He just can't deal.

He woke up this morning, and asked for the pool. No pool, Jude.
Screaming. Throwing stuff. I have to sit near him and wait while he sorts it out. Talk to him. I know you're angry. I know, you wanted the pool. It's okay. You will be okay. You can calm down, Jude. You are angry, and sad, but you can calm yourself down.

This is the sort of thing that makes me want to hide with Jude, never come out. The image of Boo
Radley, hidden in the basement, haunts me. I feel like a failure. I feel sorry for my other two sons. We can never do anything as a family, I think. Why bother.

You know what? Next time we go to the pool there will be less screaming. And less the next time,
too. And we will go. Because I am brave, and I am strong, and my son will not be hidden away,
and he will learn, and he will grow, and we are a family, and God walks with us, through the valley of the shadow of death, and to the YMCA, and the grocery store, and the park. Jude is going to figure this out, and if his learning process is a little loud, well, the world will just have to adjust to him. Just a little. Get out your earplugs people, here we come.